I don't understand why waterboarding and other forms of torment are considered torture, but rape has its own, seemingly lower, category. I have to believe that its because its a male on female crime. Are there any instances in your research on wartime rape where its male on male rape?
Definitely on both a and b. As hard as it can be to uncover rapes of women in war, it can be much harder to uncover sexualized violence against men. The stigma is overwhelming.
Best scenario is the people of Russia remove Putin. The first country Putin conquered was Russia just as the first country Hitler conquered was Germany. Nuclear is always a risk when a crazy is at the helm of a capable nation. Putin could trigger nuclear if Ukraine & west push, or Putin could trigger nuclear if he has too many domestic problems, or Putin could trigger nuclear if he sees an opportunity to expand territory. Putin is a bully to his own people as well as anyone else he feels he can abuse & exploit. The only thing that would really hold Putin back from the nuclear option is if he really doesn't have it to any great degree, we have already seen the surprising lack of fitness in Putin's conventional weaponry & soldiers. What worries me is that Iran & Putin seem to be still accessing western weapons technology that is supposed to be embrgoed.
While we must pay respect and treat with dignity individual injustices, it would help me to understand scale. Often times people make small things big and big things small.
Your writing connects me emotionally to the tragedy of Ukraine. Yet, there is horror and emotion everywhere. There is also goodness everywhere. Understanding scale would help me understand where to put my attention, because I can't take all of this in.
Can you comment on scale of Ukraine? How many people are dying each day? How many people are going through these camps? It sounds like tens of thousands. Is it even known?
I don't know stats on dying per day, but at least 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers and 100,000 Russian soldiers have died so far. I don't know the civilian count. The camps have processed hundreds of thousands of prisoners. https://chills.substack.com/p/the-case-for-genocide-in-ukraine
Thanks for reminding us that these forms of assault have a purpose, it isn't simply a-holes taking advantage of a situation, even though sometimes it might be that simple. Either way I hope those incidents are recognised as war crimes, and wherever possible people are brought to justice.
UN would be a lot more useful if it was not such a political organization. We really need an organization that supports fairness & protects people from abuse & exploitation globally. Likely to remain political but even there the more atrocities are brought to broad public attention the more likely Putin will not be able to maintain political controls over UN, Russian allies & within Russia. Politics is the fundamental problem because politics supports power, wealth & privilege. We really need good governance in government organizations because politics & democracy are not compatible.
Torture, including rape, needs to be highest priority of war crimes investigations because if torture & rape were & are a terrorism strategy at any level that confirms Putin as leader of a terrorism organization which should strip Putin & his enabler cronies of any protections as a legitimate head of state.
Albert, -I think Putin's response is, "what are you going to do about it?" There is no way to strip him besides violence.
I think we do nothing that significantly escalates the risk of nuclear exchange.
I think the work of journalists like Lauren helps keep up political will for supporting Ukraine. Maybe if there is an "after" Putin when there will be justice. Justice will require that Russia wants to enter back into a better relationship with Europe and the rest of the world.
My interest: how do we change peoples' minds? How do we tap into the "us" rather than the "other?"
I don't understand why waterboarding and other forms of torment are considered torture, but rape has its own, seemingly lower, category. I have to believe that its because its a male on female crime. Are there any instances in your research on wartime rape where its male on male rape?
Definitely on both a and b. As hard as it can be to uncover rapes of women in war, it can be much harder to uncover sexualized violence against men. The stigma is overwhelming.
Best scenario is the people of Russia remove Putin. The first country Putin conquered was Russia just as the first country Hitler conquered was Germany. Nuclear is always a risk when a crazy is at the helm of a capable nation. Putin could trigger nuclear if Ukraine & west push, or Putin could trigger nuclear if he has too many domestic problems, or Putin could trigger nuclear if he sees an opportunity to expand territory. Putin is a bully to his own people as well as anyone else he feels he can abuse & exploit. The only thing that would really hold Putin back from the nuclear option is if he really doesn't have it to any great degree, we have already seen the surprising lack of fitness in Putin's conventional weaponry & soldiers. What worries me is that Iran & Putin seem to be still accessing western weapons technology that is supposed to be embrgoed.
While we must pay respect and treat with dignity individual injustices, it would help me to understand scale. Often times people make small things big and big things small.
Your writing connects me emotionally to the tragedy of Ukraine. Yet, there is horror and emotion everywhere. There is also goodness everywhere. Understanding scale would help me understand where to put my attention, because I can't take all of this in.
Can you comment on scale of Ukraine? How many people are dying each day? How many people are going through these camps? It sounds like tens of thousands. Is it even known?
I don't know stats on dying per day, but at least 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers and 100,000 Russian soldiers have died so far. I don't know the civilian count. The camps have processed hundreds of thousands of prisoners. https://chills.substack.com/p/the-case-for-genocide-in-ukraine
Thanks for reminding us that these forms of assault have a purpose, it isn't simply a-holes taking advantage of a situation, even though sometimes it might be that simple. Either way I hope those incidents are recognised as war crimes, and wherever possible people are brought to justice.
UN would be a lot more useful if it was not such a political organization. We really need an organization that supports fairness & protects people from abuse & exploitation globally. Likely to remain political but even there the more atrocities are brought to broad public attention the more likely Putin will not be able to maintain political controls over UN, Russian allies & within Russia. Politics is the fundamental problem because politics supports power, wealth & privilege. We really need good governance in government organizations because politics & democracy are not compatible.
Torture, including rape, needs to be highest priority of war crimes investigations because if torture & rape were & are a terrorism strategy at any level that confirms Putin as leader of a terrorism organization which should strip Putin & his enabler cronies of any protections as a legitimate head of state.
Russia is head of the UNSC. Aka, they can veto referrals to the ICC, which Russia isn't even a party to.
Albert, -I think Putin's response is, "what are you going to do about it?" There is no way to strip him besides violence.
I think we do nothing that significantly escalates the risk of nuclear exchange.
I think the work of journalists like Lauren helps keep up political will for supporting Ukraine. Maybe if there is an "after" Putin when there will be justice. Justice will require that Russia wants to enter back into a better relationship with Europe and the rest of the world.
My interest: how do we change peoples' minds? How do we tap into the "us" rather than the "other?"