How terrifying! I’m so glad you’re okay.

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So sorry this happened - but also relieved that it wasn’t done to you by a terrorist while you were driving in a foreign country.

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OMG Lauren, I’m so glad you’re alright! That is so scary! No wonder your body went ballistic!

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Wow! That's some crazy shit. I'm glad you are okay!

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Glad you are ok. Turbo gave out as a guess?

Grab your bag. If you've ever read Rebecca Solnit, grabbing your things isn't ideal, but perfectly normal. I tell residents to have a walkthrough of their fire plans - as you know, you don't want to be working anything complicated out at that point!

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Lauren, That is scary - I am glad that you are OK. D

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Thank goodness you’re safe! What a terrifying experience! Compounded by illness and money problems makes it a double tragedy. I’m a struggling artist and have no extra funds to donate, alas. Everyday I wonder why people of quality, integrity, and creativity are less and less able to survive in this society.

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Still not sure I can handle these pictures. Crazy scary.

Thank goodness you are OK.

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Wow, this is crazy. I'm really glad you're ok!

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Thanks, friend!

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so sorry to read about your terrifying experience!

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I'm glad you're still here. That's terrifying. I hope the back and stomach issues clear up as you can calm down.

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Where can we send you some extra money? I'm glad it's not "her favorite charity was ___ and memorial contributions are welcome."

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That is incredibly kind of you! On Venmo: Lauren-Wolfe-10

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My petrol feed popped off the top of my Jeep's engine a year ago, and things started to smell very petrolly. There was a pull-off and so I ... pulled off. I called EuropAssistance (pronounced Europe-Ass-ees-tawnce) who came after 3 hours and towed me exactly 1 mile as the crow flies to their depot. It was Siberia-cold. The Jeep's open top. I was huddled in a blanket. It was freezing. But I'm glad I didn't have an open fire, all the same ....

Jean-Michel, who mechanics for this 35-year-old dame of the road, took one look and said "Zee plastique connecteur to zee pistons is bro-ken. I 'ave repâirèd it wizz sticky tape. If eet comez off agin, juste pop it bacon."

I'm glad you're okay. Insurers claim they won't make a drama out of a crisis. But journalists should, especially if, in the end, it entertains so wildly as this one. Bonne route!

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Omg. Terrifying!!!!!! I’m so glad you’re ok!!!!

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oh my god. Loved this. So glad you are ok, but maybe your back is not ok. Including picking up your puppy. wow.

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