Jan 28, 2021Liked by Lauren Wolfe

Nice to get a mention from my brilliant, talented daughter. The “depleted” thing will end soon because you can never be defeated! ❤️

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Thanks, dad. Love you.

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Lauren Wolfe

Hi Lauren-

I just wanted to send you a note of encouragement. I am a reader of your past important work, and have read more since the controversy surrounding your departure from the NYT.

Lauren, It is important that you continue to work hard and do the work that you do. My viewpoint is that an open and free exchange of ideas that are respectfully debated in public holds the best opportunity for our society to solve problems, cure our ills, and to help our country become a more perfect union. Pick your metaphor, but the more transparency and sunlight on various issues the better chance of success we have, as a people to get better. Your voice is an important part of that progress.

One of the reasons that I wanted to take the step of actually emailing you is because my background is, perhaps, different than your average reader. I am a Christian conservative from North Carolina - a genuine, limited-government conservative, not a Trump supporter. Those are two different things. I have no political home anymore, so traditional labels now fail where they used to be helpful.

Of course, I see a left bias in the paper of record, and I've long been able to see past that and learn from others whose philosophies and ideas about culture, politics, etc. are different than my own. But, I've learned from those voices a great deal, as well. I lament our culture's slide through various means toward silencing important voices in those very forums which should be the ones that serve as platforms for the open exchange of ideas and knowledge. Also the degradation of respect from our shared humanity as we disagree, even vehemently. I'm sorry about what happened with your job and your ability to share your work with so many. I'm also sorry for how you've been treated online recently(particularly by men, evidently). Our world is worse off with Twitter. I'll just leave it at that.

Finally, I want to encourage you, specifically, in the work that you have done in exposing the tragedy of sexual violence in war theaters and other places. Our world still contains so much tragic injustice and your work is an important component in exposing that injustice and thus one of the important first steps in providing hope for reform. Our world is better because you investigate and you write. Please continue to do so.

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Thank you so much. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

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Jan 30, 2021Liked by Lauren Wolfe

I just became a paying subscriber - in large part because I admire your strength, tenacity and talent; but also because I think sweet Moose could use a new chew toy.

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He loves stuffed animals and never tears them apart. Just munches on them like corn cobs when he’s happy. It’s ridiculously cute.

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Jan 30, 2021Liked by Lauren Wolfe

I’m about be a father, it’s a girl. I came from a family of boys. Reading this brought tears to my eyes. I’m sorry that you’ve been through so much lately, but I’m so happy that there’s people like you in the world for my daughter to look up to.

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This made me cry. Thank you.

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Jan 30, 2021Liked by Lauren Wolfe

Me too

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Jan 30, 2021Liked by Lauren Wolfe

I read your friend's Twitter thread about what happened with the NYT firing you and what you've endured since then. I really feel for you! I don't know if I've read anything you've written before, but the topics your friend says you've written about are SO important. The world needs your voice! I am so happy you will be offering your writing via Substack. I subscribed to Chills the other day. I look forward to reading your posts, whenever you feel ready to write them. I hope you and your sweet dog are doing OK, and that you are taking good care of each other (I have two little old men myself - Archie is almost 16 and Teddy is almost 14...old men puppies are the best!). Take as much time as you need to replenish yourself and refill your tank, so to speak. We'll be here waiting for you whenever you're ready.

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Thank you! And I love “old men puppies.”

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Such a sweet comment 💓

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Lauren Wolfe

Hi Lauren, about a year ago I used a few of your articles in my IB English work for school and the more I read from and about you, the more my admiration for you grew. Ever since then I've been closely following you and your work, and I will continue to do so. You are a massive inspiration to this 17 year old girl trying to go into journalism. Thank you so much for all you have done, and all you will do in the future

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Wow thanks. Contact me anytime for advice.

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Lauren Wolfe

This. This is what we want you to write about right now. Let us walk with you through the process. We all need to check ourselves and make sure we aren’t throwing hate at people on “the other side”. Those words you’ve endured are awful. Let’s replace them with adjectives that describe you. Courageous, honest, compassionate, hopeful, and resilient.

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Thank you so much.

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My 8yr old daughter wants to be a boss, a crime boss preferably. Not out of the question given my family lineage, but since she's smarter than all of us in the house already, becoming the next Lauren Wolfe would be a suitable substitute. Keep going.

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This leaves me speechless. Thank you.

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Lauren Wolfe

Your childhood friends love you, believe in you and want to support you. That includes your old roommate from Zephyr Hill. Wishing you rest and recovery. I don't have to wish you resilience because you have tons. XOXO

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Thank you, Nicole. Love you.

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Lauren Wolfe

Hi Lauren, once you get some rest and the dust settles, please come back to this.

I’ve been following your tragic story and reading up on your amazing work, even outside of journalism. I am inspired. I would love to hire you and/or talk to you about job prospects, next steps for you.. etc. Whenever there is a good contact and you have the emotional energy to chat, I would love that. Hang in there, you got this!

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Lauren Wolfe

I cancelled my NYT subscription. I know we need quality journalism but Times management also needs to know that they messed up badly.

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Jan 30, 2021Liked by Lauren Wolfe

“Depleted but now defeated”, thank you for that Lauren. It’s a new

mantra for me, one that acknowledges the loss of the past few years and yet girds me for the future. Much love to you. 💓

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Eek- big typo! NOT DEFEATED!

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Lauren Wolfe

I didn't subscribe to the NYT but if I did, I would cancel..

As a man, it makes me nauseous to read of the vile things people have been saying to you.. WTH is wrong with people :(

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Hi! I just want to say that you are an incredible inspiration. Both your amazing and needed coverage across the globe and your relentless resolve through all of this is just so powerful. Thank you for sharing this with us :-) -- Erin

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Thank you. That makes me feel like I'm doing the right thing. Appreciated.

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Jan 28, 2021Liked by Lauren Wolfe

We live in a tragic world, but you make it a bit less so.

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Thank you!

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Jan 28, 2021Liked by Lauren Wolfe

I hope you can “Begin (AGAIN) with the end in mind” (Steven Covey) while being excited for the opportunities and possibilities that come your way! I look forward to reading more of your work!

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Thank you!

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