My friend who lives in Nigeria has told me of the atrocities that are going on in his country, but very little has been written about what Boko Haram has been doing (even now)--small boys being given a piece of bread and then strapped into a suicide vest and pushed into a church, and women, children, foreigners being beheaded. I understand that The NY Times has to appeal to its larger audience but there have been numerous articles on Trans-- obsessively so, it seems, and few articles on significant issues that are definitely worth knowing about. This cherry picking of news is unfortunate.

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Important point you make about how the bias toward what will attract the most attention can unconsciously affect the decisions of journalists and editors.

Almost as if quality journalism and capitalism are fundamentally incompatible...

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Thank you for your frankness about the coverage of Yemen vs Ukraine. Very true. Here in NYC, there is a vigil for Yemen every Sat. at Union Square, 11 to 12 noon. About 25 people are there. I usually stand there, except on heat wave days. Julie

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The boardroom runs the newsroom?


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Fascinating study going on with Neman. I wonder if a similar study could be made with how many hours per day are devoted to the Trump news du jour compared to what Biden and Harris are doing.

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