Wednesday open thread
Ask me anything about reporting on what happened in the small Congolese village of Kavumu.
Hello all,
You’ve been asking a lot of questions about my ongoing series on the rape of nearly 50 little girls in the eastern Congolese village of Kavumu. Now that I’ve written about the arrests of the perpetrators and the mastermind of the crimes, let’s discuss! The first part of the series is here if you want to catch up.
Please join me on Wednesday, starting at 1 p.m. Eastern so we can talk about what happened and whatever questions you have about the girls, the attackers, the “magic powder,” the investigation or the complicated kind of investigative journalism involved in this story. I’ll be writing soon about the trial that started a year after the arrests, which will reveal more, but there’s plenty I hope I can answer for you now.
I’ll send out a link Wednesday, and it’ll be on ongoing comment thread. Looking forward to it!
Seen you then,
Lauren I want to know if the rapists gassed families with something like chloroform so they could abduct the girls? What did you find out about all that?
How do you keep your faith in humanity, given how easily so many shed their own humanity for a shred of momentary power?