Video: Tips on how to report on sexualized violence in conflict
Hopefully, without retraumatizing your sources — or yourself.
Fearless reporting, a behind-the-curtains look at how journalism is made — and an unabashed point of view. Welcome to Chills.
When I was coming up in journalism, or even while at Columbia’s School of Journalism, there was no course or training on how to do reporting on sexualized violence, war crimes or trauma. After years of figuring it out as I went, I was asked to informally train some reporters and newsrooms.
I don’t actually know why I knew what I was doing, although yesterday my therapist had a simple answer: “It’s who you are.” I agree. Once I started on this path, I knew I was home. And I think there are more journalists like me out there than are working in this area. It’s hard — not just physically and emotionally, but hard to find outlets who want to publish heavy stuff. Aka hard to make a living.
As I’ve taught this year at NYU’s graduate journalism program, I’ve been thrilled when students come to me at the end of the semester and say they want to do this kind of reporting too. There need to be more of us, and we need to be trained — how not to retraumatize our sources, how to protect them from the interview through publication, how to make sure you have informed consent to do all of this and more.
My guiding principle has always been “first do no harm.”
Which is why I was so pleased to be part of a panel offering that this week. Sponsored by the Global Investigative Journalism Network, I spoke about what’s involved in this work in conflict areas, giving practical tips. Alongside me was Gavin Rees from the Dart Center, whose presentation was fascinating. Alix Vieullemin from 4GenderJustice gave an excellent lay of the land of what we mean by “sexualized violence” in war, how multifaceted it is. And our moderator, Juliana Rufus, also from the Dart Center and a long-time journalist specializing in human rights and investigative work, anchored the panel.
The attendance was astounding — 146 people from 63 countries were with us on Zoom. Many of them were journalists, but some were just interested in what we do and how we do it, which is what I try to offer you on Chills. In some ways, it was the most informative panel I’ve ever been on. If you want some grounding principles and tips, I highly recommend a watch:
Thanks for viewing, and, as always, for reading. I’ll be back soon with another story from Ukraine. In the meantime, please vote!
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It’s great to read this. I had a brief journalism career back in the 70s and early 80s when I was fortunate enough to spend a year in Southern Africa, which forever altered my view of the world. The work you and others do is so essential.
It is who you are. And you do the opposite of harm, you help the people who you meet begin to heal. Thank goodness there are people like you. (Already voted)!