Vadim needs your help
A pediatric neurosurgeon and army medic in Kyiv can’t afford his own brain surgery.
Fearless reporting, a behind-the-curtains look at how journalism is made — and an unabashed point of view. Welcome to Chills.
Thank you to everyone who has donated to make my dear Ukrainian friend Vadim’s surgery and radiation possible. If you’re new to his story, he is a pediatric neurosurgeon in Kyiv who has saved children’s lives before and during this crazy war.
But this very same war has prevented Vadim from leaving Ukraine to get to Warsaw, where his surgery and radiation are scheduled. And now, the hospital in Warsaw has told him that the cost for his surgery will be at least $9,500 — up many thousands of dollars — because they have upgraded their precision surgery equipment. If you have a few dollars to spare, saving his life will save the lives of however many Ukrainian children he operates on, and the lives of his colleagues on the frontlines of the war. Thank you.
Here is my original post about what’s happening:
As the war continues to tear apart Ukraine, work is scarce and people are scraping by — including my friend Vadim, who is a pediatric neurosurgeon and medic who has been working on the frontlines for months.
Vadim has a benign brain tumor that gives him seizures. He is unable to operate or continue his work as a medic until he receives a course of radiation to control them. The radiotherapy costs about $3,000.
Of the many brave and incredible people I met while in Ukraine, Vadim stands out as empathetic, impossibly kind and, like so many people there, determined to fight for his country.
If you can donate to help pay for Vadim’s course of radiation, please do. And thank you.
Оскільки війна продовжує розривати Україну, роботи бракує, а люди проходять повз — у тому числі мій друг Вадим, дитячий нейрохірург і медик, який місяцями працює на передовій.
У Вадима доброякісна пухлина головного мозку, яка викликає судоми. Він не може оперувати чи продовжувати свою медичну роботу, поки не пройде курс опромінення, щоб контролювати їх. Променева терапія коштує близько 3000 доларів.
З багатьох сміливих і неймовірних людей, яких я зустрів в Україні, Вадим виділяється чуйним, неймовірно добрим і, як і багато людей там, сповненим рішучості боротися за свою країну.
Якщо ви можете зробити пожертву, щоб допомогти оплатити курс опромінення Вадима, зробіть це. І дякую.
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