Like Hitler, Trump Demands Loyalty
This is how fascism creeps in before we realize it has taken over our country.

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When Adolph Hitler took power over Germany in 1933, he demanded an oath of loyalty from state officials that basically replaced any mention of the country’s constitution with “Hitler”:
This was the Oath of Loyalty all state officials were forced to take as of Aug. 20, 1934:
“I swear I will be true and obedient to the Führer of the German Reich and people, Adolf Hitler, observe the law, and conscientiously fulfill the duties of my office, so help me God.”
According to the U.S. Holocaust Museum: “the oath was meant to convey that Hitler's will was the same as that of the nation and the people and that his will could not, by definition, contradict the imperative to ‘observe the law and conscientiously fulfill the duties’ of office. In this way, the oath appeared to equate Hitler's authority with the constitution and to ensure that it would be limited by the primacy of law and duty in public office.”
“Most of the military — from soldiers to officers to general — were loyal and ideologically aligned with Hitler,” Peter Fritzsche, professor of history at the University of Illinois, told Newsweek in October 2024. “The price of disloyalty was very high. There were differences over tactics, but these sorts of disagreements were also considered questions of loyalty.”
And now incoming senior Trump administration officials “have begun questioning career civil servants who work on the White House National Security Council about who they voted for in the 2024 election, their political contributions and whether they have made social media posts that could be considered incriminating by President-elect Donald Trump’s team,” the Associated Press reports, citing a U.S. official familiar with the matter.
At least some of these nonpolitical employees have begun packing up their belongings since being asked about their loyalty to Trump — after they had earlier been given indications that they would be asked to stay on at the NSC in the new administration, the official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive personnel matters.
A Trump transition official, speaking on condition of anonymity too, said the incoming administration felt it was “entirely appropriate” to seek officials who share the incoming president’s vision and would be focused on common goals.
Alexander Vindman, a retired United States Army lieutenant colonel who was the director of European affairs for the U.N. National Security Council, told AP: “Talented professionals, wary of being dismissed for principled stances or offering objective advice, will either self-censor or forgo service altogether.”
This is a warning we cannot take lightly. This is how fascism creeps in before we realize it has taken over our country. Speak out now.
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Actually this is not new for trump. During his previous administration he demanded unswerving loyalty or be thrown to the side and insulted. It's as though he read the Hitler playbook. He is a person that cannot accept anything but compete subservience. Donald Trump is an insecure and incomplete human being.
I agree with everything you wrote except that fascism is creeping in. It is stampeding in, in broad daylight. The parallels to Nazi Germany are blatant and terrifying. There is a reason why for 250 we take an oath to the Constitution, NOT any one man. I'll be honest. I am petrified.